for those mesmerized by all things maid related, costumes can be picked up in plenty of Tokyo retailers for a pretty good price.
as far as real fanatics go however, order-made outfits are the only option, with Japanese company Candy Fruit kindly coming up with the goods – culling together a classy collection of costumes that includes apparel perfect for a leisurely lunch outside.

or for the less active, there are ensembles better suited to slouching on a sofa in a semi-vegetative state; although the application form’s request of “If an order is placed, please be exciting and wait” could prove problematic for some purchasers.

alternatively, if it’s simply a night at home watching anime, then the addition of a nice set of stockings and extra frills would seem to be more suitable.

the ‘please be exciting’ prompt possibly not needed.
(big thanks to the wonderful What Japan Thinks for the tip)